Effective January 1, 2021, Assembly Bill 1885 amended the homestead exemption under California Code of Civil Procedure 704.730 as follows (emphases added): (a) The amount of the homestead exemption is the greater of the following: (1) The countywide median sale price for a single-family
Month: March 2021
In 15th-century sermons and art, L a Danse Macabre (the Dance of Death) depicted personifications of Death dancing with the dying, a terpsichorean procession men of all stations eventually join in. As a bankruptcy attorney, I’ve in turn dreamt of a
I tune to the radio. A perky adwoman crows over her company’s super-friendly lending practices. She promises they require no collateral. “Because we trust you,” she says. Back breaking, flesh pecking interest the hard money, pay day and online lenders claim
Your bankruptcy attorney will often refer to the “bankruptcy petition” or simply the “petition.” It’s actually shorthand for the “Voluntary Petition, Statements and Schedules” as well as Certificates and Declarations and Summaries and Calculations and Lists, which constitute the initial package
Debts or “claims” (as debts are referred to from a creditor’s perspective) can be classified in bankruptcy as either “consumer” or “non-consumer.” The distinction’s significant in terms of chapter 7 bankruptcy eligibility as well as the level of scrutiny by the
A bankruptcy blog of ice and fire. As you may recall, the HBO series “Game of Thrones” derives its title from the above admonition of Queen Cersei to doomed Eddard Stark, King of the North: “When you play the game of thrones,
Rx for Reefer No More. California hit a much publicized milestone with the passage of Proposition 64, which sanctions the recreational use of marijuana. Heretofore, legitimate purchases in the state were limited to prescription based consumption. State Legislation Affects Federal Bankruptcy Law High Times. But how